As he works on the movie's script, along with co-writer Chris Terrio (Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice), Abrams doesn't want the film to live in the past. Instead, he's looking to the future. Given that Disney, the studio behind Star Wars, will no doubt be continuing the franchise, that makes perfect sense.
During an interview alongside composer Michael Giacchino (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story), Abrams tells BBC Radio 4, "I feel like we need to approach this with the same excitement that we had when we were kids loving what these movies were and, at the same time, we have to take them places that they haven't gone, and that's sort of our responsibility." That's a comment that could be taken both literally and figuratively.
Surely, the film will visit new planets and bring about new species of aliens--and possibly different droids--but there's more to the idea of uncharted territory in the Star Wars universe. The current trilogy continues the saga started by Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) in 1977's A New Hope. Over 40 years later, it may be time to explore some new story ideas.
In a galaxy as large as the one Star Wars exists in, there are plenty of stories to tell and many of them are getting the chance to shine in projects like Star Wars Rebels. Perhaps the time will come after Episode IX for a new saga to be introduced on the big screen.
It certainly sounds like something on Abrams' mind as he looks forward. "It's a strange thing. Michael [Giacchino]'s worked on things like Planet of the Apes, and Star Trek, and Star Wars and these are the things of dreams," he says. "Yet we can't just revel in that, we have to go elsewhere."
While the future of Star Wars is unknown, hearing Abrams talk about it certainly does make it exciting.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is in theaters on December 17. Star Wars: Episode IX releases on December 20, 2019. Between the two, Solo--the Han Solo standalone movie--will debut on May 25, 2018.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is the follow-up to 2014's The New Order. It once again centers around B.J. Blazkowicz and his struggle to overthrow the Nazi regime. This time around he's trying to set up a second American Revolution with the help of a militant group of resistance fighters.
With the game's release date set for October 27 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, we've compiled our most important features and gameplay videos detailing everything you need to know about Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Check back often as we update this article with our in-depth review, additional articles, and videos.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus maintains the same action-heavy gunplay of its predecessor. The game features a variety of weapons, most of which can be dual-wielded. New this time around is a cover system to aid your approach in a firefight. For more of our impressions about the game and its provocative depiction of a Nazi-occupied America, check out the features below:
Every Cinematic Cutscene So Far--We collected every cutscene we have seen so far for Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus and put them all into one handy video for you. Be warned, this video is packed with spoilers.
Delivering A Nuke To Area 52 Gameplay--BJ Blazkowicz is back at it again! This time our well armed friend is fighting through a train to deliver a nuke to Area 52.
Adult Swim's latest late night animation acid trip--Tyler, The Creator-created The Jellies--stars a teenager named Cornell who finds out he was adopted by his parents, who are jellyfish. Most other characters are normal(ish) humans, except their neighbor, who's a whale.
"A jellyfish would have a whale living next door," The Jellies star Phil LaMarr, who plays the lead character Cornell Jelly, told GameSpot. "That just makes sense."
That's one way to look at it.
The Jellies has been adapted for Adult Swim from a series that was only available on rapper Tyler, the Creator's multimedia phone app, Golf Media. In the original incarnation, Cornell was white. Now, he's black, which Tyler explained thusly when challenged by an audience member at San Diego Comic-Con this year:
"How many f***ing black cartoon characters is it on TV right now? Name five. I'll give you time...It is none. They canceled Static Shock. Nobody remembers Fillmore, like, we don't got s**. The only other black character is this f***ing weird-ass--oh no, they killed Chef off f***ing South Park. So we don't have s****. So I said f*** that. We about to make this n**** black, and he ain't got no guns, he ain't shoot no f***ing basketball, and he a f***ing goober, and we gonna put him on TV. And he's the lead character. He ain't the comic relief. He ain't the sidekick. He the lead n****."
"That's actually revolutionary," LaMarr elaborated. "There are these weird little mini revolutions that happen, and having a black, male, leading character that's a 'goober' is, weirdly enough, revolutionary in America. You know? He is not cool, in any way shape or form. And to me, that's real."
"We get enough of The Rock, you know?" he continued. "That's the predominant image of the black man. And even though this is not, you know, a $600 million action movie that's going all over the world, it's still out there. And I think people are going to respond to the truth of it--black people and non-black people, just because it's speaking something that you don't get to see, and it's saying it in a way that's authentic. That's what I love about it. He is a goober, he is a hormonal teenager, and he's also the star of the show. All of those things have individually been true at different points; none of them have ever been true together."
There are a million ways to read into the character of Cornell Jelly. He's a young black man who was raised by jellyfish, struggling to define his place in the universe. But there may be no one, definitive answer as to what it all means. If there is, it's locked away tight in Tyler, the Creator's brain.
"There's no answer to 'why jellyfish?'" LaMarr explained. "And the only answer to 'Why not jellyfish?' Is because nobody's done it before."
"I wish I understood how [Tyler's] mind works," said Carl Jones, a producer on the show. Jones is known for his work on shows like The Boondocks and Black Dynamite. "He will come up with ideas that seem like it's out of the blue, then when you put it all together it works in this really weird, fantastical way."
Episodes of The Jellies see Cornell trying to find his birth parents, or dragging a washed-up singer out of retirement to woo his gelatinous adoptive parents back together. Its humor bounces all over the map, from riffs on the fact that some of the characters are marine animals, to more obscure '90s reference than you'd think it possible to fit into 15 minutes of television. LaMarr said the show doesn't exclusively live in the past, although it's not entirely topical, either.
"I think this show is more than of this time; I think it's the sort of thing that people are going to be able to watch at any point," he said. "It's not about, like, 'What happens after a black president?' It's not about right now, as much as it is, so much of this stuff is just like 'Who am I?' Identity, you know?"
Whether you're black or white, young or old, human or jellyfish, that should be something you can relate to. The Jellies premieres on Adult Swim this Sunday, Oct. 22.
Super Mario Odyssey is the latest installment of Nintendo's tenured franchise starring the lovable Italian plumber. You once again control Mario as he works to rescue Princess Peach from Bowser. But this time around, he has the help of a new hat sidekick named Cappy, who he can throw at certain objects or enemies to temporarily posses them and use their unique abilities.
With Super Mario Odyssey's release date set for October 27 on Nintendo Switch, we've compiled our most important features and gameplay videos detailing everything you need to know about the game. Check back often as we update this article with our in-depth review, guides, additional articles, and videos.
As a 3D-style Mario game, the emphasis is on exploration in Super Mario Odyssey. The game sports a multitude of open sandbox environments to navigate, which are each packed with enemies and platforming challenges. For more about our impressions about the game thus far, check out the features below:
Assassin's Creed Origins is the latest entry in the long-running Assassin's Creed franchise. Unlike past games, which continually pushed the ancestor timeline forward, this entry is a prequel. Set in ancient Egypt, you play as Bayek, a warrior whose struggle against the corrupt forces of the time leads him towards becoming the first Assassin.
With the game's release date set for October 27 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, we've compiled our most important features and gameplay videos detailing everything you need to know about Assassin's Creed Origins. Check back often as we update this article with our in-depth review, guides, additional articles, and videos.
Unlike its predecessors, Assassin's Creed Origins is an action-RPG; it sports a multi-faceted skill tree, damage hit points, and equipment with varying statistics. In addition, everything you do feeds into an overarching progression system that steadily improves your character's strength and abilities over time. For more about the game's mechanics and story, as well as our impressions of it thus far, check out the features below:
Splatoon 2's next free update is almost here and will roll out its latest weapon, the Range Blaster. This blaster-type weapon will give you more range, but at the cost of a lower rate of fire.
The Range Blaster is a throwback to the original Splatoon, though it won't play exactly the same. This time around, it has the Suction Bomb as its sub-weapon and Ink Storm as its special attack. You can take a quick peek at it below.
The new weapon should be rolling out globally soon. Expect to see the update drop tomorrow afternoon in Japan and Australia, in the morning in Europe, and later tonight in North America.
I feel a little creepy. Sitting at a table across from me are actor Josh Gad and frequent South Park collaborator Bill Hader, talking with animated gusto. At the head of the long boardroom style table, Trey Parker listens carefully before also bursting into laughter.
I have no idea what they're saying. I'm just watching them for a few moments from across the room as I stand on the second floor railing of the South Park Studios. I'm looking into the writer's room, a glass-walled area filled with white boards, sketches, and chicken scratch writing.
Except for that animated discussion and a group of reporters in a room behind me, the studio is otherwise quiet. It's the week before the first episode of South Park season 21 airs, and the day before the larger crew will show up and begin the ten grueling weeks of production.
I'm here to witness, in this brief moment of respite, how the team coordinates with Ubisoft San Francisco to turn South Park into a living video game world. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are the head and face of South Park, but they rely on a surprisingly large number of people to make sure everything actually happens. And one of those people key to the video game is Jason Schroeder.
I. The Hand
Jason Schroeder doesn't look like someone who works on a game like South Park. Unassuming, with wispy brown hair, his calm humility feels almost at odds with a series that's defined by how over-the-top it goes.
But Schroeder, just like The Fractured But Whole, is more than he seems on the surface. His role as the game's creative director is itself a wide departure from his studio's previous projects, the most notable of which is probably the "rhythm game with real guitars game" Rocksmith. But with the transition to Fractured But Whole, the office has nearly tripled in size.
Schroeder joined was also in LA for the visit to South Park Studios, but the SF to LA trip, whether it's in person or via teleconference, is a normal part of his job. At the end of the trip, "I guess, in a typical day, I would either have a morning sync with the producers at South Park or Matt and Trey themselves, and then my own directors and project management group to kind of figure out, 'What are our burning fires? Is anybody waiting on decisions? What's ready for review?'" Even now, with the game released, the process isn't over; DLC is on the way, and that process takes just as much planning and coordination between the two primary creative studios.
"I was the liaison between our studios," Schroeder says. "So between South Park Studios and Ubisoft San Francisco, and the Osaka studio. Sometimes that meant that I felt like this weird prophet." Schroeder raises his hands above his head and affects a Moses-like voice. "It was like, 'No I cometh and I sayeth that Trey has speaketh.'"
Schroeder puts his hands down and leans in. "It became very important to not just become this person that is delivering messages from someone else. I had to agree with it and believe in it. If someone's going to look me in the eyes and ask, 'Is this okay? You tell me, because I'm going to work my ass off for this. Is this shitting mini-game really important to you?' I couldn't just say, 'Well, Trey said so."
But when you're helping a team decide how to portray the perfect bowel movement, what does normal even mean? "It's just your kind of average business meeting, in some ways, except that everyone's laughing--a lot." Schroeder breaks out into a grin. "I'd say the impression that you get from working with Trey is that he figures stuff out and then sees whether or not people laugh when he describes something. When the whole room starts laughing and then he can keep that laugh going, you start to feel like, 'Okay, this is going to stick.'"
"I just want the game to be sweet." -- Trey Parker
Schroeder leans back in his chair. "Working with them is just having that same sort of an observer ability; 'Okay, that little off the cuff remark just caused a whole avalanche of ideas, and we should take note.'"
But I'm getting ahead of myself. This is all at the end of my day, where I'm sitting with Schroeder back at his hotel after talking to the rest of the production team and touring the studio. The first time I met him that day was during small press conference set up to discuss the game and the people I'd be meeting that day.
II. The Gang's All Here
"At the very beginning of the project, we tried to convey to Ubisoft, 'We're gonna totally fuck up your entire workflow.'" This is Frank Agnone, the executive producer on the TV show and South Park's game products. He's sitting in on a roundtable discussion arranged for those of us visiting the studio before the tours start. Agnone is joined by Schroeder, and from the show there's also the producer and art director Adrien Beard, who's probably better known as Token. Eric Stough, another producer on the show who handles things on the animation side, is also well known as the real life inspiration for Butters. And from the Ubisoft side there's Jolie Menzel, the main narrative designer for The Fractured But Whole.
Agnone's earlier comments about disrupting the Ubisoft workflow aren't surprising for a show that's infamous for running its production down to the absolute last second. Six Days to Air, a 2011 documentary, showed the hectic, round-the-clock schedule that goes into putting out an episode during the show's normal run. But that kind of crunch can only work on a project with a limited schedule. That kind of intense, never-leave-the-office mentality is automatically capped at a few months because of the number of episodes. But for a videogame, where development is spread over years, that same relentless pace is just unrealistic.
But that didn't stop Trey from trying when he was out for two and half weeks for surgery. Agnone relates, "He convinced his doctor to let him leave the hospital to come to the office to record some dialogue, and then he would turn around and go back to the hospital."
Beard adds, "He's deathly walking out the door, and I'm like, 'Dude, you should totally be in a hospital. Dude, what are you doing? You're gonna die.' And he's like, 'I just want the game to be sweet.'"
But that kind of pace is the exception. Schroeder explains, "We have to be balanced because you make a lot of bad decisions when you get too tired. They are talking about 10 episodes over the course of a few months and so they do it in a very burst sort of way. When we first started to analyze their process and tried to figure out, 'How do we take that magic in the bottle or whatever it is that makes Trey's idea to a screen within a week? How do we capture that and put that into the game?' It wasn't so much about the hours that they spend or anything like that, it's actually about their pipelines, their processes, their culture of letting his creativity drive things, letting their investment in tools for the show be as efficient as they can be so that the team can work fast and without a lot of errors even when they're tired."
The process here means that the game's engine was modified so that the show team could script and put together scenes that would fold directly into the game. "You could kind of tell there was a change between the look of the gameplay and the cutscenes before," Eric says.
More than just the creation pipeline, South Park's quick turnaround comes from that drive to be relevant. To reflect what's happening now, and also to be able to change things when they're just not funny anymore. "There's this contemporary part that comes with South Park. Something happens in the news and it works its way into our show. That happened in the game, because we had this constant back and forth and this constant iteration building, Beard says. "I don't think many games are gonna be able to comment on stuff that happened two, three months before the game came out. And some of that stuff's in the game."
That comes back to Matt and Trey's involvement in the entire game process. "Letting them play hands on as much as possible was really the key," Menzel says. "If you watch any GDC talk about Assassin's Creed or Far Cry, you have this very beautiful, professional game design that's crafted by these designers and they're very sacred about their process. Matt and Trey challenged us to have that agility to even look at our own methodology and change it. To ask, 'How do we serve the story and how do we serve the jokes?'"
Jokes like, in Beard's words, "making a better, interactive fart." Schroeder holds up his hands and, with a surprisingly graphic bit of thumb twiddling that's meant to evoke massaging the thumbsticks on a controller, he describes the team's journey. "What can we do with the touch pad to really prime a sphincter, and then we push in." Here Schroeder cups his hands and pushes upward with his thumbs.
In addition to enhanced anal control, Beard says that they had hoped to explore in more ridiculous ways to interact with the game. He brings up the smell-o-vision device used during preview events for the Fractured But Whole that simulated the smell of farts. That's a step in the right direction, however he wants to go even further: "I want to have somebody suck their controller."
III. The Room Where It Happens
The panel ends, and we finally head to the studio. Large game developers tend to have sprawling campuses that bustle with hundreds of employees, and you expect something a little more epic when you visit the home of a show that's been a cultural touchstone for over 20 years. Instead, the South Park's headquarters is nestled among a group of nondescript office buildings. From the outside, the only indicator that this place is special is a small plaque near the door that reads "Casa Bonita."
Frank Agnone leads my small group's tour. Tanned and relaxed in a very So Cal way, Agnone also projects a contradictory intensity when he looks at you. He's been with the show since the first episode (a common thread among many of the production's senior leads), but he still carries the energy of a new employee.
Agnone walks us through the separate departments, each kept separate to allow them to focus on their various points of production. Trey isn't part of the tour, but each group talks about how the pipeline is created to both give him and Matt oversight and freedom to create and change anything immediately. Sometimes that means whole scenes have to be reworked or pushed back to other departments, but that's part of why they're so remote. The islands of work allow them to focus on finishing as the hours to each week's deadline countdown.
With boyish delight Beard stands in the art department's room and reiterates that they're eight days away from filming the first episode of the season, but the team still haven't gotten a single page of the script. But he's unphased, both Beard and Agnone remind the group of Six Days to Air, and then clarify that they probably need to re-film the documentary. The current schedule is more like four to five days.
And then, after a day filled with anal calisthenics demonstrated with finger motions, a quick walk through the offices and cubicles of the show, and an in-depth discussion about finding the perfect fart, I'm sitting with Schroeder back at the lobby of his hotel. But even with all the scatological humor and the drive to make sure South Park is as funny as it can possibly be, Schroeder has a surprising desire for The Fractured But Whole.
"It's hard to say it in a single sentence, but I hope that people don't like feel like they wish it had just been about anal probes. We're telling a more advanced story in a lot of ways. It's more the structure of the story, I feel like it's more mature. Not in the mature content, obviously there's mature content, but it's a story about substance abuse and all this other stuff too. I hope that the only takeaway isn't, 'I really liked when I walked up Mr. Slave's ass.'" He laughs before continuing. "Yeah, that stuff is funny as well, but I hope people appreciate it for the kind of story we told."
Pokemon Go's Halloween 2017 event is starting in just a few hours, bringing with it the first batch of generation 3 Pokemon. Spooky Pokemon such as Gastly, Cubone, Misdreavus, Houndour--along with Hoenn-based Pokemon like Sableye, Banette, and Duskull--will become common as of 12 PM PT / 3 PM ET / 8 PM BST (6 AM AET on October 21 in Australia). The event lasts until 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET / 9 PM on November 2 (7 AM AET on November 3 in Australia).
Bonuses for the event include double Candy rewards for catching, hatching, and transferring Pokemon, and you'll be able to grab special boxes--"featuring items such as Raid Passes and Super Incubators"--from the in-game shop. Finally, special, Halloween-themed Pikachu will be out and about, and you'll be able to grab the Mimikyu Disguise Hat for your avatar to wear.
The addition of Gen 3 Pokemon was leaked earlier this week, when a datamine reportedly uncovered sounds for all species up to #386 (Deoxys, the final Pokemon found in Generation 3). Another leak, showing more Gen 3 creatures and Pikachu wearing a witch's hat, followed just days later.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon launch next month, just a year after their predecessors, Sun and Moon. Sequels are nothing new to the Pokemon franchise, of course: starting with 1998's Pokemon Yellow, every pair of games in the series has received a third "upper" version, each of them bringing small improvements and changes to the base games' story.
That trend continued with Pokemon Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum, before Black / White and Sun / Moon were each succeeded by two sequels--Black 2 / White 2 and Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon. Now, in an interview with GameSpot, developer Game Freak has explained why it has decided to go that route with its latest games, rather than the single enhanced version it used to opt for.
"This time around there are differences in the story between the two versions that lead us to a split," said Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon's director, Kazumasa Iwao. "But one particularly appealing aspect for us in creating two different upper versions is that we can get many more different Pokemon and characters into the story and into the game itself. If you try and force all of that into a single upper version then the relationships between characters and their interactions they have can start to get a little bit confused and a bit disjointed, whereas if we separate them into two versions we can really focus in and make sure there's a strong core to the story. Splitting into two versions allows us to draw the most from the characters in the game, and hopefully players will enjoy that."
As for which of Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon you should buy, Iwao said it depends on what you want to get out of the game. He explained: "One point users might want to consider is that the Pokedex in Pokemon Ultra Sun is based on the Pokedex in Pokemon Sun and the same for Ultra Moon and Moon. So if something the players are really looking for is Pokedex completion, they might find it better to go for the opposite version this time round in order to help complete their Pokedex."
However, it's not quite that simple. Ultra Sun and Moon producer Shigeru Ohmori went on to say there is some advantage to choosing the same version you chose last time round: "Equally if you're looking for a story-based experience then those who played Pokemon Sun may want to go for Ultra Sun as there are some small details that remain consistent throughout the two that might appeal to people looking for a story-based game."
After a number of rumors surrounding Generation 3 Pokemon potentially coming to Pokemon Go soon, Niantic has now finally officially confirmed the news, at the same time as revealing its Halloween 2017 event. The company says "a number of Ghost-type Pokemon originally discovered in the Hoenn region" will arrive as part of the event, including "Sableye, Banette, and others."
The event is scheduled to start on October 20 at midday PT / 3 PM ET / 8 PM BST (6 AM AET on October 21 in Australia), ending at 1 PM PT on November 2. Niantic says the event will see "an increased number of spooky Pokemon such as Gastly, Cubone, Misdreavus, Houndour, and more," while "special Pikachu" wearing a Halloween costume will also be out and about.
Bonuses for the event include double Candy rewards for catching, hatching, and transferring Pokemon, and you'll be able to grab special boxes--"featuring items such as Raid Passes and Super Incubators"--from the in-game shop. Finally, you'll be able to grab the Mimikyu Disguise Hat for your avatar to wear.
Two more Generation 3 Pokemon--Duskull and Dusclops--can also be seen in-game in the trailer above. They, along with Sableye and Banette, are the first Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire to appear in Pokemon Go. Niantic says the rest of those games' monsters will arrive in Pokemon Go "starting gradually as early as December."
The addition of Gen 3 Pokemon was leaked earlier this week, when a datamine apparently uncovered sounds for all species up to #386 (Deoxys, the final Pokemon found in Generation 3). Another leak, showing more Gen 3 creatures and Pikachu wearing a witch's hat, followed just days later.
The official announcement means Pokemon Go will receive a Halloween event for the second year running. For more, you can check out our roundup of all the games holding Halloween events this month.
A couple of other events are going on now in Pokemon Go. Until October 25, players can share the best AR photos they take in-game for a chance to win cool prizes. The Legendary dogs Entei, Raikou, and Suicune are also available in new regions through October 31. In other Pokemon news, the developer of the mainline series, Game Freak, has explained why Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon aren't coming to Nintendo Switch.
Amid the busy October release season, it's another packed week of game releases for Nintendo Switch. A total of 14 games launch for the hybrid console this week, nine of which arrived in the Eshop on Thursday, October 19.
Headlining this week's batch of releases is Fire Emblem Warriors, the hack-and-slash Fire Emblem spin-off by Dynasty Warriors developer Koei Tecmo. The game releases for Switch (and New 3DS) on October 20 and features more than 20 characters taken from past Fire Emblem titles, including Chrom, Marth, and fan-favorite hero Lyn. It also incorporates many of Fire Emblem's signature mechanics into the Warriors series' large-scale battles, such as permadeath and the weapon triangle. Fire Emblem Warriors retails for $60/£50 on Switch and $40/£40 on New 3DS. You can learn more about the title in GameSpot's Fire Emblem Warriors review.
Fire Emblem Warriors
Also available this week is Elliot Quest, a retro-style adventure-platformer inspired by classic titles like Zelda II and Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. The game puts players in the role of Elliot, who embarks on a quest to lift a curse placed on him by the demon Satar. Players must guide Elliot across the island of Urele, collecting new spells and abilities to navigate through five dungeons and defeat the game's 16 bosses. You can download Elliot Quest for $10.
Other notable releases this week include the latest ACA Neo Geo game, Robo Army ($8/£6.29); the party game compilation The Jackbox Party Pack 4 ($25/£20); Square Enix's co-op exploration game Spelunker Party ($30/£25, with a free demo available); and the psychedelic, over-the-top Party Golf ($15/£13.49). You can find the full list of this week's releases below.
The busy holiday season for video games is ramping up, with big game after big game releasing each week. This continues this week with Ubisoft's much-anticipated South Park: The Fractured But Whole, which after some delays is finally out now.
We're rounding up all the major new Xbox One releases to help you get an idea for what's hitting the console this week. GameSpot's Fractured But Whole review scored it an 8/10. Reviewer Miguel Concepcion said, "Fractured But Whole succeeds as an interactive South Park mini-series, while effectively emulating the show's current style of adult-targeted entertainment and satirization of political correctness."
Other big new releases include the open-world fantasy game Elex, which was made by the creators of the Gothic series. Additionally, Rogue Trooper Redux, an HD version of the 2006 game based on the 2000 AD comic series, is out on October 17 for Xbox One.
Scroll down to see all the major new Xbox One releases this week, as rounded up by Microsoft on the Xbox Wire. Check back later for roundups of new games out this week for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
The big news about Destiny 2 right now is the impending release of the PC version, but there's also a bit of bad news for players. According to Bungie's Weekly Update, the next two instances of Trials of the Nine have been canceled.
Trials of the Nine is one of Destiny 2's timed events, taking place every weekend. However, an emote bug--the same one that caused the high-stepping Monty Python emote to be yanked from the in-game store--has made Bungie decide to cancel Trials of the Nine for the next two weeks. The bug allowed players to glitch their ways through walls, which is a real concern for a competitive PvP mode where every loss matters.
According to the developer, though, there's a fix in the works, and the downtime will allow the studio to test it out and prevent any exploitation of the competitive mode in the meantime. "We will provide more information as it becomes available," Bungie stated. "At this time the next instance of Trials of the Nine is forecasted to resume on November 3, 2017."
In other Destiny 2 news, Bungie also announced a roadmap for the rollout of endgame activities in the PC version. When the game launches on October 24, you can immediately try out normal or Prestige Nightfall Strikes once you level up. Guided Games will be available at launch, too. Then, a week later, the Raid goes live. Keep an eye on GameSpot all of next week for more coverage about Destiny 2 on PC.
For a variety of reasons, such as the absence of daily and flash deals, Steam sales are not the major event they once were. They do, however, still present the opportunity to pick up some excellent games for relatively cheap, and now we know when the next three big sales will reportedly take place.
Dates for upcoming sales are shared ahead of time with developers, which invariably results in them leaking to the public. That appears to have happened again, with dates for the annual Halloween, Black Friday, and Winter sales being posted on Reddit. They've since been removed, but Eurogamer claims to have verified them as legitimate. Here's when each one will run:
Steam Halloween Sale: October 26 - November 1
Steam Black Friday Sale: November 22 - 28
Steam Winter Sale: December 21 - January 4
The Evil Within
October 26 is less than a week away, so you can expect to see some spooky games discounted soon. If past Halloween sales are any indication, the sale will include more than just the types of horror games you might expect.
A line of Super Mario Odyssey-themed Amiibo figures was revealed back at E3 that features Mario, Peach, and Bowser each wearing their own wedding outfit. Nintendo had already provided some details on what they would unlock in-game, but now we have a better idea of what to expect from one of them.
YouTube channel FamilyGamerTV got their hands on the Peach and Mario Amiibo figures early. As noticed by Nintendo Daily News, the back of the box for the Peach figure reveals that it unlocks a wedding dress outfit for Mario himself. You can see a glimpse of this in the image below.
Nintendo's official site states that scanning the Peach Amiibo provides a life-up heart and her wedding dress, but it was unclear that Mario himself would wear it. Mario's figure, meanwhile, provides his wedding outfit and grants temporary invincibility. Bowser's unlocks his wedding suit and reveals where coins are hidden in the region.
Other, existing Amiibo figures are also compatible with Super Mario Odyssey and will provide other, unspecified rewards, according to Nintendo's site. It also states that all outfits can be unlocked without the corresponding Amiibo, so you won't need to actually purchase the new figures to get the wedding attire.
Wearing different costumes is one of the charming aspects of Nintendo's new platformer. We've already rounded up all of the Super Mario Odyssey costumes we've seen so far--and there are some excellent ones. There's sure to be even more to uncover once the full game hits Nintendo Switch on October 27.
Like that rash you hate to see but love to scratch, Xur is back. This week, Destiny 2's shadiest salesman is hanging around on Titan and is very easy to find. Simply fire up your PS4 or Xbox One, fast travel to The Rig, and he's a hop, skip, and a jump away from you with new wares to peddle.
Take a look below and you'll find a list of all the Exotic gear Xur has to offer this week--with the usual array of one weapon and three pieces of armor (one per class). We also have images of them, so you can read up on the exact stats they have and see how they might fit into your gameplay style. Alternatively, watch the video above to see us hunt Xur down and show off his stock.
Click image to view in full screen
Sweet Business (Auto Rifle): 29 Legendary Shards
Raiden Flux (Hunter Class Chest Armor): 23 Legendary Shards
Doom Fang Pauldron (Titan Class Gauntlets): 23 Legendary Shards
Winter's Guile (Warlock Class Gauntlets): 23 Legendary Shards
Following Destiny 2's launch on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in September, the shooter comes to PC on October 24. Bungie has detailed a roadmap for the rollout of endgame activities in the PC version. At launch, players will be able to try the normal or Prestige Nightfall Strikes. A week later, the Raid will go live. For more on Destiny 2, take a look at the list of recent stories below.
One of the surprise reveals at E3 2017 was Extinction, a new action game developed by Iron Galaxy. At the time, many people noted similarities with Attack on Titan, the incredibly popular manga and anime series, and its developer isn't shying away from such comparisons. However, Extinction's inspirations go beyond that and extend to classic monster movies like Godzilla and Jason and the Argonauts, as well as stories such as David and Goliath.
In terms of video games, however, Iron Galaxy has been inspired by fast, fluid character action games like Devil May Cry. Its gameplay also draws heavy inspiration from fighting games, a genre in which the studio has some pedigree. Iron Galaxy has worked on updated versions of beloved Capcom games including Street Fighter 3: Third Strike and Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. It also developed its own quirky fighting game called Divekick and has been working on Killer Instinct for Xbox One. It's fair to say it's well-versed in the genre.
The developer aims to reflect that pedigree in Extinction, a game that it hopes will be simple to pick up but deep enough to keep people hooked. We recently went hands-on with Extinction and put together an impressions video. Check out the video at the top of this page and you'll see what we thought of the game's timing-based attack system and fluid traversal mechanics, as well as how it feels to strategically annihilate the giant ogre-like Revenii. On top of that, we talk about the game's premise, which is much darker than you'd expect.
For those that don't want color commentary, there's also a gameplay video below with nothing but raw tiny-man-versus-giant-ogres action. Extinction will launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC sometime in early 2018.
If you'd like to read some early impressions, check out Alessandro Fillari's Extinction preview from E3. "Extinction is looking to be quite the departure for Iron Galaxy," he says. "I really dug the focus on mobility and verticality ... Though the build we got to see in person was very much in its early phase, I do think Extinction might have something going for it."
Game Freak is currently developing at least three Pokemon games: Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, and Pokemon for Nintendo Switch. The developer, of course, wants to make the best games it can, but with so many projects on the go and only limited resources, you would think each game would have the potential to hinder the development of the others. However, in an interview with GameSpot, the developer explained how making Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is actually helping development of the upcoming Switch title.
"Of course we have a limited number of staff available to us, but we have a very varied staff within the company," Ultra Sun and Moon producer Shigeru Ohmori said. "We have younger staff members and also veterans who have been working on the series for a long time, very technically gifted staff members. We want to use these staff in the best way possible. For example this time with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon we can treat it mainly as a project for our younger staff to work on and grow and develop their skills, while perhaps the more veteran, established members of the company can work on the upcoming [Switch] project.
"That's an approach we often take: having a growth-based project for younger staff members and then a new project for the existing veterans. Using this project management style ensures all of our projects have a positive effect on one another as they go."
However, it's not all whipper-snappers working on the upcoming 3DS games. Ohmori went on to say that series veteran Shigeki Morimoto--who has been with the company since the Pokemon Red and Blue era--is working on the battle system for Ultra Sun and Moon.
The upcoming games' director, Kazumasa Iwao, then added, "We always have veterans--really experienced people--involved on the quality control side of things, so we make sure the quality we expect and want to deliver with Pokemon is always there."
Valve founder Gabe Newell has a net worth around $5.5 billion, according to the most recent rich list put together by business magazine Forbes. If correct, that would mean his personal worth has grown by $1.4 billion since the same outlet estimated Newell to be worth $4.1 billion in January of this year.
Newell is said to own around half of Valve, the company behind the Steam platform and developer of series such as Half-Life, Portal, and Counter-Strike. He is placed joint-97th on Forbes' list of the 400 wealthiest people in America, putting him ahead of Uber founder Travis Kalanick (115th), Star Wars creator George Lucas (118th), and legendary film director Steven Spielberg (206th) and behind media giant Rupert Murdoch (39th) and Tesla CEO Elon Musk (21st).
Microsoft founder Bill Gates tops the list this year with a net worth of $89 billion, ahead of America's second-richest person, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos ($81.5 billion). Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg lies fourth with a fortune of around $71 billion.
Unlike Activision, EA, Take-Two, Ubisoft, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft, Valve is not a publicly traded company. That's part of the reason why we don't officially know Valve's net worth. Some publicly traded companies also disclose their executives' salaries, but Valve doesn't do this since it's private. In other Valve-related news, Steam users can currently tryWarhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III and Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide for free.
Star Wars: Battlefront II is one of 2017's biggest and most anticipated games. A sequel to the 2015 reboot that was one of the most successful Star Wars games in history, the new game has even bolder ambitions. One of the most-discussed elements of the sequel is its single-player campaign, a notable addition after the 2015 game left it out. EA wanted to get that game out in time for The Force Awakens, which makes sense from a business perspective, but some fans were miffed at the lack of a campaign. For the sequel, EA tasked one of its newest studios Motive, to creating the campaign, bringing on writers Walt Williams and Mitch Dyer to write an all-new story for the Star Wars universe.
GameSpot recently had the chance to play the first three chapters of the campaign, which follows an Empire soldier named Iden Versio, and you can read our thoughts here. Of course, the campaign is just one element of the sequel. DICE is making the multiplayer, while Criterion is handling the Starfighter Assault and Arcade modes.
As part of our preview session, we also spoke to Motive producer David Robillard. He told us about the feedback EA heard over the first game ("We want single-player!), what it's like working with so many teams on a single project, why the Empire may not be as purely evil as you think, and why it's "sad" that people think having a female protagonist is anything but accepted. Scroll down to hear what Robillard had to say on those topics and more, including the possibility of a Nintendo Switch version.
Why There Is A Campaign This Time:
After Battlefront 1, the reboot, EA looked at the feedback we got from Battlefront 1. One of the most resounding pieces of feedback we got was, 'We want single-player.' With that in mind, they tasked Motive to bring up a team that are the best in their field in creating narrative and realising on that narrative and executing on it. So we have a great team at Motive that built the single-player campaign. We worked hand-in-hand with Lucas to make it as authentic and immersive as we can. I think we have the best storyline, interactive gameplay feel that you can get up to now in the Star Wars universe.
"One of the most resounding pieces of feedback we got was, 'We want single-player.'"
On If It's A Bottleneck To Work With So Many Teams
No. Between Motive, Criterion, and DICE, we're all experts in our own fields. So obviously DICE, they are kings at making great multiplayer games. Criterion are known for their vehicle gameplay. And the Motive team has been crafted to bring people that have this acumen for storytelling and realisation and for good single-player gameplay. So with that focus, we can all push towards our craft and make it the best we can. And with the collaboration with Lucasfilm on top of it, we can make sure whatever we are crafting is going to be authentic to Star Wars.
On Getting Players To Empathise With The Empire
Are they [evil]? Our approach to it is there are two sides to every conflict. Whenever you are in war, because what's happening in Star Wars is war, there is no right or wrong. There is only the victor. And the victor writes [the story]. So for people within the Empire who grew up in it, who believe from day one that what the Empire is trying to do is the right thing to do, they're trying to bring order, they're trying to bring stability, and they're trying to root out rebellion. If you take those words--order, stability, and root our rebellion--these things seems like perfectly good things to strive for. From that perspective, what happens to those people once the Death Star explodes? How do they feel? How do they get back from that? What happens?
On Iden's Story Arc
I can tell you that at some point, any soldier will question what they are doing. They are going to have to face the ethics of it all. Aside from that, I'm going to have to let players play and see for themselves.
On What Boundaries Lucasfilm Set For Battlefront 2?
Actually, it's been pretty good. We haven't been restricted. I think it comes from the choices we made early on. For instance, the story, and deciding when we wanted to start the story. That was entirely driven by the Motive team. When we said we wanted to start after the Battle of Endor, we want to get that gap from Return of the Jedi to The Force Awakens, telling an Imperialist story, we pitched that to Lucas and Lucas was like, 'Yeah, go for it.' After that, they have been in collaboration with us every step of the way. We had people go to the archives at Lucasfilm and scan the props and bring them back into the game so it could be as immersive and authentic as possible. We had our sound team go to Skywalker ranch and get their sound bits there. Get their music, get their ambiance. We've had help from Industrial Light & Magic to make sure the lighting is accurate for any set pieces that are set for Imperials and any set pieces on the Rebel side because they are going to be different tones of lighting. So it's been a great collaboration.
The Timeline Spans 30 Years, So How Does That Work?
I'm not going to spoil anything. But we are playing within the gap [between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens] and we will see some iconic characters from The Force Awakens at some point.
On Having A Female Protagonist
It's sad that the internet coming to terms with [female protagonists] because Star Wars has always been about strong female characters. And for us, telling an authentic Star Wars story had to go through a strong female protagonist. We wanted somebody who would be bold, headstrong, but also show an emotional side. So it made perfect sense for us that it would be Iden.
On Janina Gavankar's Performance
I haven't worked personally with Janina but my colleague who sits to the left of me at work, he's been to motion capture sessions and … she's phenomenal. She's so enthusiastic, she's so happy to be working with us. We have a great collaboration with her. She's always giving 110 percent during our motion and facial capture sessions. I think it shows in the captures that we have. We have captures for cinematic and we have captures for gameplay as well. So when Iden does a melee takedown, that's Janina doing the melee takedown.
"I'm not going to lie, it is daunting to work on Star Wars."
On The Pressure Of Working On A Star Wars Game
I'm not going to lie, it is daunting to work on Star Wars. But at the same time, it is exhilarating. Especially for us at Motive. We did not exist three years ago. So getting the opportunity to write a storyline that is original, that will tie into the broad Star Wars universe has been a blessing. We're very humbled by it and we're super privileged to have the collaboration we've had with Lucas and it's been really a smooth ride.
Is Battlefront 2 Canon?
Lucas doesn't like the word canon so we use the word authentic. You can use them as synonyms.
What Happens In Battlefront 2 Affects The Broader Star Wars Universe, Yes?
It becomes part of the broader Star Wars universe.
On What Happens In Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I don't [know anything]. I know what happens in the trailer but that's about it.
On The Last Jedi Content In The Battlefront 2 Campaign
To be determined.
On Creating New Worlds For Battlefront 2
Vardos is a completely new planet that we created for the single-player campaign. It's created in collaboration with Lucasfilm, with DICE. We created another planet for this game, that's Pilio. It's been fun having the opportunity to create these new locations.
Are These Planets Retroactively Added To The Star Wars Star Map?
I don't know about that. I'm not sure.
On John Boyega Calling Out EA About The Lack Of Campaign In 2015's Battlefront
He wasn't the only one. We listened to the fans after Battlefront 1, and the first decision I think that came out of the conversation about Battlefront 2 was, 'We need to have a single-player campaign.'
On Star Cards In Battlefront 2's Campaign
The Star Card system is a progression system that we borrowed the mechanics of it [from multiplayer] for single-player. Our goal was to make sure that everything you're going to see in single-player, if you decide to go to multiplayer, it will feel familiar to you. So we borrowed the same kind of progression system. But the Star Cards you have are for single-player only. They borrow from the concepts that are in multiplayer. You might see the same exact Star Wars from single-player to multiplayer, but your progression in single-player stays in single-player.
But Maybe Not Forever
After that, we might look into bridging the gap between single-player and multiplayer but that is something we need to explore. In terms of some progression [from single-player] carrying over to multiplayer.
How How The Campaign Is A "Safe Space"
It's more of a safe space than onboarding. It's its own separate experience. As an offline experience, we wanted the mechanics of it, the minute-to-minute gameplay, to be familiar for anybody who decides to go online. Some players will say, 'I'm not that much of a multiplayer [person]; I'd rather sit on my couch and play campaign.' And that's fine. That's what we wanted to provide. But for those who are intrigued by multiplayer, we was to give them the opportunity to hone their skills and get familiar with the controls. And then jump into multiplayer and not be disoriented by the controls.
On A Nintendo Switch Version
This is something we'll explore if we see opportunities there but it is not something that's on the books right now.
In just over a week, Mario will embark on one of his biggest--and weirdest--adventures to date, Super Mario Odyssey for Nintendo Switch. As usual, his longtime nemesis Bowser has captured Princess Peach, and to rescue her, Mario will have to explore a number of sandbox-style Kingdoms like in Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine.
Things are a little different this time, however. Not only does Odyssey take Mario to some bizarre new worlds such as New Donk City--a metropolitan area inhabited by realistically proportioned people--he'll be joined by a ghost-like being called Cappy, which inhabits Mario's cap and in turn grants him the ability to possess other characters and objects.
As odd as all that may sound, however, it certainly isn't the strangest thing to happen to Nintendo's iconic plumber in his long and storied career. In the video above, we take a look back at eight of the weirdest moments in Mario's history, from his questionable Cat Costume in Wii U's Super Mario 3D World to his ongoing Olympic rivalry with Sonic the Hedgehog.
One thing you can count on every October, aside from a bunch of big game releases, are developers releasing Halloween-themed updates and events. Halloween is still weeks away, and already we've seen a number of such announcements, and some of these events are already underway. [Updated October 19 with official Pokemon Go details.]
With so much going on, it can be difficult to keep track of everything that's happening. Given that many of these events, such as Overwatch's Halloween Terror, provide you with a limited amount of time to obtain items you can use year-round, you'll want to stay on top of how and when you can expand your collection. We've compiled a list of many of the Halloween-themed events happening in games this month, and we'll continue to update this as more are announced. Check everything out below, and let us know what you'll be playing (as well as any we missed) in the comments.
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Activision will host a monthlong event in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare called Willard Wyler's Halloween Scream that features several different components. Each week, players will be able to pick up a free Halloween Supply Drop by logging in, as well as a Halloween-themed cosmetic item on each Friday. Halloween gear and loot, such as a zombie-themed Rig skin, will also be up for grabs.
Additionally, Gesture Warfare mode--where you take out opponents by doing things like pinching your fingers--returns for a limited time. Carnage, one of the maps in the Retribution DLC, will be free to all players from October 12 until November 1 in a special playlist that runs only that map and offers double XP. Finally, Boss Battle will allow DLC owners to tackle a different Zombie episode's final fight each week.
For its second October, Blizzard has brought back Overwatch's Halloween Terror event. It replaces the standard Loot Box with an event-specific one, which contains a variety of Halloween-themed cosmetic items. These include both those from last year and more than 50 new ones, such as Legendary skins for Ana, Symmetra, Zenyatta, and McCree. Last year's Junkenstein's Revenge event also returns as a special Brawl mode--this is a Horde-style co-op game type where a team of four takes on waves of AI-controlled enemies. New to this year's version is an endless variant, where you can compete on leaderboards by seeing how many waves you can successfully make it through.
The Coalition is marking Halloween in Gears of War 4 in a variety of ways. As the video above reveals, Friday the 13th marks the return of Skorge, the Locust general who will make an appearance as a skin. Later in the month, players can jump into a special multiplayer playlist that adorns everyone with a pumpkin head, or take part in a special mode called Phantom Dodgeball. The Coalition has also teased "a few extra surprises," of which Skorge is likely one.
October 13 (Skorge)
October 27 - TBA (pumpkin heads, Phantom Dodgeball)
Guild Wars 2 brings back the Shadow of the Mad King event this year. This consists of multiple elements, including a decorated version of Lion's Arch, new armor and weapon skins to collect, and a special jumping puzzle in the Mad King's Clock Tower. You can also head to the Mad King's Labyrinth for some limited-time, spooky activities and take part in the Lunatic Inquisition PvP event. Or you can meet up with King Oswald Thorn, who is said to have "deadly tricks up his sleeve."
Part of Hearthstone's Halloween celebration is tied to Fireside Gathering events. Hallow's End-themed real-life meet-ups will take place over the course of more than a month, and a free Warlock hero (Nemsy Necrofizzle) is available for attending certain ones. She'll continue to be available even after Hallow's End concludes.
For those who can't make it to an event, there's still plenty happening in-game. For one week, players can get a Whispers of the Old Gods card pack and an Arena ticket just for logging in. The following week, logging in rewards a Knights of the Frozen Throne card pack and another Arena ticket. A special dual-class Arena mode will also be available for a limited time. Here's how Blizzard explains it: "At the start of every Arena run, players choose a Hero, a Hero Power from another class, and then choose cards from both of those classes in addition to neutral cards. That's not all though: each of the nine classic Hearthstone Heroes will attend their Arena games in costume!"
Finally, players will be able to take on the Headless Horseman in a special Tavern Brawl. You'll wear a costume that dictates what cards you have available and grants a passive power that will help you defeat him.
Now - November 5 (Fireside Gatherings, Dual Class Arena)
October 24 at 9 AM PDT - October 30 at 11:59 PM (Whispers of the Old Gods freebie)
October 31 at 12:01 AM PDT - November 5 at 11:59 PM (Knights of the Frozen Throne freebie)
Heroes of the Storm once again sees its Hallow's End event, which kicks off this month. However, this marks the first Halloween since Blizzard launched HotS' new Loot Chest system, which means things work a bit differently than in the past. Like in Overwatch, event-specific chests will replace the standard ones during the event. You'll earn one with every level up, and at least one of the four rewards inside is guaranteed to be a Hallow's End item, which includes skins, mounts, sprays, and portraits. Weekly Brawl rewards after October 20 will take the form of a Hallow's End chest, and these can also be purchased using gems.
Also during the event, you can make progress toward quests that will net you a special spray (by playing two games), banner (eight games), and portrait (15 games). However, Custom Games, Training matches, and Brawls don't count toward these totals.
The Halloween Horrors content pack update has been released for Killing Floor 2. This introduces a new map that is meant to be set inside the mind (or more precisely, the nightmares) of Boozo the clown. There are new Achievements to earn and two new weapons to use: the Seeker Six (a multi-shot, guided rocket launcher) and the Hemoglobin (which somehow drains enemies of blood). New, limited-time unlocks include face paint and pumpkin helmets. Prize tickets can be earned for free by playing, or you can purchase them; either way, they can be exchanged for new Halloween Horror cosmetics, such as weapon skins. Finally, the King Fleshpound has been added as a permanent member of the boss rotation, and new daily and weekly objectives can earn you in-game cash to spend on cosmetic items.
Minecraft's Halloween Spooktacular event is officially underway. This brings special, themed content and activities to official servers for players on Bedrock Engine platforms (which is to say, most versions of the game). Among other things, the Lifeboat server is home to a haunted house parkour course; InPvP has the Haunted Mansion SkyWare map; and Mineplex brings The Pumpkin King, plus quests, flaming pumpkins to fight, and more. You can get a look at what awaits in the video and gallery above.
As part of the Shadow's Eve event, Paragon players will be able to get their hands on limited-edition chests. These contain regular items and Shadow's Eve-specific rewards, including skins and banners. Narbash, Wukong, and Yin have received new skins for the event, and each week will offer up a selection of different skins from last year. (These skins and banners are only available during the event.) A special Mega Bundle that includes all of this will be sold from October 24 - November 11; you'll receive a discount if you've already gotten your hands on any of the contents.
Now - November 1 (Shadow's Eve)
October 24 - November 11 (Shadow's Eve Mega Bundle)
Following leaks that spoiled some surprises, Niantic has officially announced its Halloween plans for Pokemon Go. Sableye, Banette, and other Gen 3 Ghost-types will make their debut, with more creatures from Hoenn coming later this year. During the event, a Pikachu wearing a special hat can be found in the wild, and a new cosmetic item will be available to players as well. Additionally, bonus Candy can be earned for catching, transferring, and and hatching Pokemon, and your buddy Pokemon will accumulate Candy two times as fast as usual.
October 20 at 12 PM PT / 3 PM ET / 8 PM BST (6 AM AET on October 21 in Australia) - 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET / 9 PM on November 2 (7 AM AET on November 3 in Australia)
The newest patch for Smite brings back the Halloween makeover for Arena mode's map and the Scary Potion. The latter messes around with players--last year's version, for instance, would occasionally play a Loki sound effect that made you think you were about to be backstabbed. Additionally, a Halloween chest is for sale that includes things like spooky and themed skins (Trick or Treat Cupid and Grim Reaper Thanatos). Through the Odyssey, there are new Halloween skins you can buy directly, such as Mummified Izanami and Yurei Susano.
Blizzard hasn't yet revealed its full Halloween plans for World of Warcraft, but we do know that Hallow's End will return. The event "celebrates the break of the Forsaken from the Scourge," Blizzard says. "Fun and mischief reign as the Innkeepers of Azeroth give treats, and tricks, to whomever asks."
Following Destiny 2's launch on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in September, Bungie's shooter comes to PC just a few days from now, on October 24. Now, Bungie has announced what players can expect in terms of activities in the first three weeks.
At launch on October 24, players can play the full campaign and Crucible multiplayer mode, while the Nightfall Strike's normal and Prestige modes will be available, too. Additionally, the Guided games system will be live right away. Destiny 2's Leviathan raid will be available a week later, starting on November 1, but at this time only normal difficulty will be available. Then on November 3, Trials of the Nine kicks off.
In Week 3, Destiny 2 players can try their hand at the ultra-challenging Prestige mode for the Leviathan raid beginning on November 7. The Guded Games feature will be available on this date as well, so players looking to group up will be able to do so.
If it works the same way as the console version, you'll want to be Power level 260 to play the Leviathan raid, so the fact that it comes out a week after launch should give you some time to get ready for the challenge.
Destiny 2's PC version unlocks at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET on October 24. Check out this graphic to find out when the game unlocks exactly where you live.
The PC version is available to pre-load now on PC if you pre-ordered. The game is only available through Blizzard's platform. It's notable because it's the first non-Blizzard game to be sold through
Netflix's lineup of new content for October 2017 has been announced, and it's a good month to subscribe if you're a fan of horror movies or Stranger Things. The list consists of all of the new movies, TV shows, and original series launching through the month, as well as everything that's leaving--most of which is already gone now that we're halfway through October.
With Halloween coming up, there are some scary movies to watch, like Cult of Chucky. Alternatively, you can watch something a bit lighter, with new comedies including Tommy Boy and Talladega Nights. If you're outside the US, you now have access to the early episodes of Riverdale: Season 2.
Every so often, Pokemon fans everywhere face the struggle to decide which of each pair of games they should buy. Now, Game Freak--developer of the mainline Pokemon series--has explained how to choose between Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon when they launch next month.
"In essence there's no real problem with whichever one you buy, you're going to get a really good experience of Pokemon," began Kazumasa Iwao, director of the upcoming pair of games, speaking in an interview with GameSpot. "But one point users might want to consider is that the Pokedex in Pokemon Ultra Sun is based on the Pokedex in Pokemon Sun and the same for Ultra Moon and Moon. So if something the players are really looking for is Pokedex completion, they might find it better to go for the opposite version this time round in order to help complete their Pokedex. So if they bought Pokemon Sun, they might want to choose Pokemon Ultra Moon this time."
However, it's not quite that simple. Ultra Sun and Moon producer Shigeru Ohmori went on to say there is some advantage to choosing the same version you chose last time round: "Equally if you're looking for a story-based experience then those who played Pokemon Sun may want to go for Ultra Sun as there are some small details that remain consistent throughout the two that might appeal to people looking for a story-based game."
Unlike its predecessor, Destiny 2 will release on PC. Although players have had to wait longer for it, there's not too long left now. Destiny 2 doesn't launch on PC until October 24, and for those of you that didn't pick it up on Xbox One and PS4, the PC version features a variety of improvements and differences compared with its console counterparts. To help you get an idea of what to expect from the PC release of Bungie's hotly anticipated sequel, we've gathered all of the essential details below. Take a look and you'll find detailed information on everything from what's different, to recommended PC hardware specs, and how it works with Blizzard's client.
Unfortunately, if you didn't try it already, the Destiny 2 PC beta has already passed. For more on the game, check out our Destiny 2 review. We also have tons of Destiny 2 guides, tips, and tricks for those who have already begun playing on consoles or are simply looking to get a head start on how things will work on PC.
Destiny 2 PC Release Date and Differences
The PC version is confirmed to have release date on October 24, while the Xbox One and PS4 versions are already out, having launched on September 6. Bungie has announced the game's servers will become available at 10 AM PT on October 24, which works out to 1 PM ET / 2 PM BRT / 6 PM BST / and 4 AM the next day in Australia.
In terms of actual playable content, everything is the same on PC--with one exception. Sony's timed-exclusive content for Destiny 2 affects not just Xbox One players, but those on PC. The PS4 version comes with an extra Strike, Crucible map, and some items that will not be available on other platforms for at least one year. There's no precise date for it yet, but after PlayStation-exclusive content in Destiny 1 remained exclusive for longer than expected, Bungie has explicitly stated that this Destiny 2 content will be out by the end of 2018.
Destiny 2 PC Minimum Requirements and Recommended Specs
While there may be changes made for the final release, Destiny 2's PC beta brought a list of minimum and recommended system specs. Additionally, Bungie provided a list of hardware for those looking to upgrade their systems, with CPU and GPU minimums and recommendations.
Texture Anisotropy (Anisotropic Filtering, up to 16x)
Texture Quality
Shadow Quality
Depth of Field
Environmental Detail Distance
Character Detail Distance
Foliage Detail Distance
Foliage Shadow Distance
Light Shafts
Motion Blur
Wind Impulse
Render Resolution
High Dynamic Range (HDR)
Chromatic Aberration
Film Grain
Destiny 2 PC Control Scheme
The PC version uses a relatively straightforward control scheme, which you can see in the image below. It's worth noting that the controls are completely customizable.
Destiny 2 Doesn't Use Dedicated Servers
Unfortunately, the game will use peer-to-peer servers. However, this doesn't work quite the same as in the previous game; when Bungie explained why Destiny 2 doesn't use dedicated servers, it noted that you'll never run into a host migration situation.
Destiny 2 PC Impressions
During our hands-on time with the game, we found the mouse and keyboard support to be a welcome addition. It enhanced the overall feel of multiplayer, though it did seem to make the single-player portions we played easier than we anticipated. You can check out our analysis of the PC beta for a technical look at the game; for further impressions of the PC version, watch the video below.
If you're hoping the game is dramatically different from the original Destiny, you may be in for a disappointment, but those seeking a refined version of that game will likely be pleased. You can read our impressions of the full game on console in our Destiny 2 review diary and Destiny 2 review-in-progress.
Destiny 2 Uses Blizzard
Destiny 2 uses Blizzard's desktop app. It's the first game not directly developed by Blizzard to appear on the platform. Activision and Blizzard have changed its name several times recently, but moving forward it will be referred to as Blizzard
Destiny Progress Doesn't Transfer to Destiny 2
Unfortunately, Destiny 1 power, possessions, and Eververse-related items and currency will not transfer over. While your character's appearance will not be abandoned in the sequel for console owners, there's no word if it'll support any kind of transfer from console to PC.
After launching for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in September, Bungie's Destiny 2 comes out for PC on October 24. Bungie has announced the game's exact unlock time and revealed the final PC requirements. Servers will become available at 10 AM PT on October 24, which works out to 1 PM ET / 2 PM BRT / 6 PM BST / and 4 AM the next day in Australia. Check out the map below to find out precisely when Destiny 2 unlocks where you live.
Bungie also today announced the final minimum and recommended specs for Destiny 2, following the preliminary specs from the beta. You need 68 GB of free space to install Destiny 2, while Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 are supported operating systems. You can check out the full minimum and recommended specs in the image below, which Bungie shared in a recent blog post.
The PC version of Destiny 2 will be available at physical retailers and through Blizzard's, but not Steam or other digital stores. That's notable because Destiny 2 is the first non-Blizzard game to be offered on Blizzard's PC gaming platform. For more, check out GameSpot's roundup of everything you need to know about Destiny 2 on PC.
Provided you're willing to pre-order the game, you can also get a head start on downloading it. Pre-loading for Destiny 2 on PC has begun on Even on a fast connection, 68 GB will take some time to download, so this ensures you'll be able to jump right into the action on release day.
Also of note is that Fullbright's adventure/exploration game Gone Home is free on Xbox One all month long. You can see the full rundown for October 2017's Games With Gold lineup below. Click any link and it will bring you to the game's download page.
Microsoft should roll out a fresh set of weekly Xbox One and Xbox 360 deals in the next day, so keep checking back with GameSpot for more. Also, you can see October 2017's free PlayStation Plus games here.
In an interview with GameSpot, EA said people's fears are "understandable," at the same time as calling the accusations "hard to dodge."
Offering his take on people's concerns, Chris Matthews (art director at EA Motive, the team behind Battlefront II's campaign) said: "Right now there have been games that exploit players and there have been games that have done it in better ways."
He continued: "DICE [developer of Battlefront II's multiplayer] has taken great care to make sure that Star Cards and the way they work give you more options in battle. Terms like pay-to-win and stuff like that are hard to dodge, but the guys are doing a really incredible job of trying to balance that system.
"[The response] is not annoying because we love the fans. We're gamers and we're trying to make something that's super-compelling that everybody's going to enjoy, but, you know, it's understandable."
Mitch Dyer, one of the campaign's writers, went on to say DICE is listening to players' feedback. "The beta existed for things like this," he said. "To look at things like, how are people responding to the balance and the maps and how everything flows? What are people enjoying or not enjoying? What's working? What's not working? We'll take all of that from the beta and start pumping it back into the game to improve it because Battlefront II is a game that exists because of feedback from fans. Couch co-op, a single-player campaign... these elements exist because people wanted them, which I think, to DICE's credit, shows that they are listening and they do listen to feedback."
When asked if they can envisage a version of the game where the loot crate system is removed, Matthews was non-commmital, stating, "We're not really in a great position to talk about that" and, "The guys at DICE would give you a great answer."
"As a balance goal, we're working towards having the most powerful items in the game only earnable via in-game achievements," the developer explained. Crates are obtained by completing challenges "and other gameplay milestones" or by purchasing them--either with credits earned in-game or real-world money. Inside crates, you'll find Star Cards, emotes, victory poses, and outfits; any duplicate Star Cards you receive are turned into crafting parts that can be put toward other Star Cards of your choosing.
Star Cards impact gameplay and, because of this, have become a major concern for players. But DICE claims there is more to becoming powerful than simply buying a crate and getting a good Star Card. "You have to earn the right to be able to upgrade Star Cards and unlock most weapons," it said. "You can only upgrade or unlock them if you have reached a high enough rank, which is determined by playing the game."
The next pair of Pokemon games, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, are quickly approaching their November 17 release date, and ahead of their launch, Nintendo has been giving away a ton of free items and Pokemon for the previous Sun and Moon versions. Many of the giveaways have already ended, but there are still plenty of rare freebies for Sun and Moon players to get their hands on.
We've rounded up all of the distributions that are currently running for Pokemon Sun and Moon, as well as a few that will be available for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon when those versions launch. We'll be updating this list as more giveaways are announced, so check back often to see what free items and Pokemon you can get.
Pokemon Sun/Moon Free Gifts
Mega Stones -- Ends Oct. 31
Mega Stones are exceptionally rare and valuable in Pokemon Sun and Moon. When equipped to their corresponding Pokemon, Mega Stones allow it to Mega Evolve during battle, often changing its type and giving it a considerable stat boost. Nintendo is giving away several batches of Mega Stones that aren't normally available in Sun and Moon, all of which are redeemable via a universal download code. Input the following codes in Mystery Gift by October 31 and you'll receive these Mega Stones:
Players in the US can pick up a free download code for Charizard from the electronics department in Target stores. The popular Fire-type Pokemon comes at level 50, is equipped with the Red Card item, and knows the moves Dragon Dance, Flare Blitz, Fly, and Earthquake. As with other download codes, you need to input your code via Mystery Gift to receive Charizard. The distribution runs until October 14, and you have until February 4, 2018 to redeem your code.
Marshadow -- Ends Oct. 23
For a very limited time, players can pick up a free download code for the Mythical Pokemon Marshadow. Those in the US can get the code from GameStop, while players in the UK will have to visit "participating retailers." This is the first legitimate way Sun and Moon players can obtain the rare Fighting/Ghost-type, which comes at level 50 and is equipped with Marshadium Z. It also knows the attacks Spectral Thief, Close Combat, Force Palm, and Shadow Ball.
To celebrate the release of the Pokemon series' 20th anniversary film, Pokemon The Movie: I Choose You, The Pokemon Company is giving away six different versions of Ash's Pikachu for Sun and Moon. To receive a Pikachu, enter the code PIKACHU20 in Mystery Gift. However, you can only receive one of the six Pikachu, and the version you get depends on when you enter the code. The full Pikachu distribution schedule is below.
Players who purchase either Pokemon Gold or Silver from the 3DS Eshop by September 21, 2018 will receive a bonus download code for the Mythical Pokemon Celebi. The code can be redeemed in Pokemon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, or Ultra Moon. We've outlined the steps you need to take to find and redeem the code here.
Unlike other Mythical Pokemon, the Steel/Fairy-type Magearna is available not through Mystery Gift, but via a QR code. After defeating the Elite Four and completing the main story, you can use the QR Scanner feature to scan the below code. After doing so, visit the Antiques shop in Hau'oli City and pick your Magearna up from the deliveryman waiting there. The Mythical Pokemon comes at level 50 and knows the moves Fleur Cannon, Flash Cannon, Lucky Chant, and Helping Hand.
Shiny Silvally -- Ends Nov. 13
Beginning October 23, players in the US and Canada can pick up a free download code for a shiny Silvally from GameStop and EB Games stores. The distribution will run until November 13. Players in the UK will also have a chance to get the rare Pokemon at participating GAME stores from November 3-16.
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Free Gifts
Rockruff -- Ends Jan. 10, 2018
Purchase either Pokemon Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon by January 10 and you'll receive a special Rockruff as a free bonus. This Rockruff will only evolve into Dusk Form Lycanroc, a new variant of the popular wolf Pokemon that is exclusive to Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
This post has been updated.
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